
Market Knowledge is our advantage.

Patterson & Associates specializes in the representation of buyers and sellers of land for development or investment purposes as well as providing consulting services to landowners.

Our success can be attributed to our ability to assist clients to weather a variety of swings in the real estate market by advising them of current and upcoming trends in the market, providing superior local market knowledge, and leveraging a client’s opportunities with our longstanding contact base of active buyers and sellers.

The following are just a few of the many issues that determine the highest and best use/value of a property:

Jurisdictional Boundaries/Location/Demographics – What city or county is your property located within? How many cars drive by your property every day?

Zoning – Is your property currently zoned? If so, what uses does the ordinance allow and is it possible to rezone?

Infrastructure – Are there any utilities available to the site? Will the city or county require any road improvements around or through your property if it is to be developed?

Adjacent Properties – What have other properties sold for in the area and for what use?

Development Standards – What are the requirements? How many housing lots are allowed per acre? Concrete or asphalt streets? Metal Building or masonry?

Investment Experience

Patterson and Associates focuses on buying, selling and developing commercial real estate. In doing so, we are presented with many investment opportunities others may miss.

With experience in managing investment partnerships, Patterson and Associates can assist you with your investment needs. Through extensive research, in-depth market knowledge has led our partners to investment opportunities that have resulted in reaching the goal all investors strive for…maximized returns on investment